Monday, March 12, 2012

Signs of Spring

The early bloomers are popping up left and right, letting us know that Spring is finally just around the corner!  Though I am grateful for the incredibly warm winter we've had, the lack snow has actually made for nearly 5 straight months of gray.  And here you thought you avoided seasonal depression this year!

One Spring thing I've been waiting months for is the bloom of my orchid, which I received for my birthday last year.  It doesn't have a name because I'm not really into naming plants, but I love it like a like a child (I don't really know what loving a child is like).  I got so much joy out of watching each flower open last year that I'm psyched it's starting to bloom again.  I'm always amazed at watch a plant's life cycle, and seeing it bloom again is a sure sign that I haven't done anything to kill it.  Welcome Spring!

Hey girlfriend!